He is not making it easy for me though. He will get close, but will not come any closer. I swear he glares at my traps. I think he’s trap savvy. He showed up right after the Jamboree ended a few months ago. If anything is driving him closer to me it’s this freezing cold weather we’ve been experiencing for the last couple of days.
Michelle, if you are still checking in on my blog, if you would be so kind to go to the Facebook page for lost and found pets of Sweet Home and see if you see him on the pages I would appreciate that. I have a feeling he’s owned by someone back on either Liberty Road or Liberty Lane.
Unlike most strays that show up on my property, this guy is in pretty good shape. I did try to reach out and touch him and he ended up biting me so that ended that quest. But if you do see him on the pages, let me know and I will write up a post and see if I can get it up there. I just don’t do social media anymore.
As I’ve mentioned, it’s been very cold here. I have piled up the straw and the kitties are digging in. Right now we’re fighting icy fog which is no fun to drive in. Makes me feel like we are back in Alaska. Speaking of Alaska, I am still missing my Alaska Sourdough Man- 10 December will make six years since he’s been gone.
Bentley will be going to the vet in a few hours from now for his first bloodwork following his hyperthyroidism diagnosis. I’m hoping that his levels will go down. I certainly pray they don’t go up. It was fairly easy to give him his pill until yesterday. Once he catches onto the program, he tries to switch it up. He cannot be an uncomplicated cat. That has never been his MO.
Bartholomew is showing clear signs that he wants to be Alpha. He is a stocky little kitty. Lots of muscles on this little guy. His favorite hobby is to try and trip me when I am feeding. I told him this morning that mom doesn’t need help tripping. She’s doing a pretty good job of it herself! I just have to be really focused on what he’s doing while I’m feeding. His running in and out between my feet does complicate matters.
He also doesn’t like Kota-He is the only one of my rescues that does not like Kota. He has tried to attack him a couple of times and now Kota is watching him closely as well.
I am doing all I can to prevent a confrontation between him and Bentley. Bentley is still showing signs of unpredictable  aggressiveness.That could be either the hyperthyroidism or one of the side effects to the medication he’s on. Interesting that the medication that’s supposed to calm him down, may instead be making it worse. I suppose when the bloodwork comes back, we will know.
I heard from my friend from the coast who took the mom and the seven kittens. They have all been placed in loving homes after all being spayed and neutered and tested and vaccinated. What a relief! I knew they would go quickly. They were absolutely a gorgeous family.
I hope everyone is staying happy, staying loved and staying safe during this holiday season. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, I am praying for real peace on earth to descend on all of us. Everybody just needs to quit fighting. Both here and abroad.
I just got the call! His T4 has gone from 9.6 to 7.4! So the medication is working. It’s still on the high side, but the fact that it’s coming down is very encouraging.
Peace to All-