It’s been a few days since Bent went to the vet. He was given a shot of Covenia as well as a week’s worth of appetite stimulants. Two days after the visit, Bentley showed great improvement. He was no longer just lying in a fetal position in his cat bed. Before, when I would try and pick him up, he was so tense and stiff that he felt like a cinder block and not a kitty.
We discussed the upcoming workers who will be repainting and re-shingling the house. The vet suggested I put all three of the cats on Xanex until the workers leave for the final time. I have agreed to that plan. Bentley is now back to his lovely self. He goes for his morning walk-abouts (just on our property before he will return back to the door of the enclosure, crying to get back inside. It’s nice to have him back.