Chasing the Milk
21 Toes (aka Presto) and Mini Moo are now four days old. I am having a devil of a time to find feeding syringes that don’t stick after the first two feedings. The danger of having syringes that stick are two-fold. The kittens are sucking so hard with nothing coming in but air, so when I gently put my finger on the end of the syringe to help move it along- it is a high possibility that the syringe will move forward so quickly and aspirate the kitten that we are trying to save.
I have ordered new syringes but they got misdirected and now won’t be here until after the fourth. I have to be so careful “helping” them out.
Here they are- chasing the milk. I am almost out of KMR and in the local stores all I can find is puppy milk go figure. Can’t even find the right bottles to use so it is back to the syringes.