Never in a Million Years…

Never, did it even cross my mind, that Mike would say to me: “Mary Anne, I need you to drive me to the hospital!”

But that is what happened yesterday, when out of the blue, he announced that he wanted me to take him. He said he felt “odd.” His head was hurting, his chest felt strange, he was dizzy and lightheaded and his vision was blurred. I dropped everything and off we went.

His heart rate accelerated up to 195 then back to 63 than up again. His BP was low 90/30 then it would drop and pick up as his body tried to keep pace with his heart rate issue. They did films, EKG’s, his face would be beet red, then pale out. His breathing labored and intense.

They moved him from on ER room to another where they hooked him up to this heart machine, one I have never seen before. They ran two IV’s one, they said was a pick line. Starting the IV’s he bled like a stuck pig and repeatedly, they asked me “Are you sure he isn’t on blood thinners?” Then they scooted off into the hallway to confer where I could hear every word. They were concerned about how thin his blood was appearing.

Finally, they told me that there was nothing I could do and suggested I go home, get some rest and they would call me when they knew more. They said the thinking was- he had an infection somewhere in his body and it was affecting his heart and his lungs in a major way. I went home, fell asleep and when I woke up no one had called, so I did.

Mike is in ICU. At around midnight, they put in a temporary pacemaker. I was told they called me- but there is no record of it that I can see. Said if the heart responds positively, on Monday they will put in a regular pacemaker. If he does not respond, they will explore “other options.”

I knew something was seriously wrong when he asked me to take him to the hospital. Usually, I have to beg, plead even threaten for him to let me take him to the hospital. He was scared and confused and wanted answers as to why any little effort on his part would cause him to almost pass out.

I’m leaving here in a few minutes to go and see him. I just ask for the believers to gather in His name and when they do, please say a prayer for Mike who does not deserve any of what Life has recently thrown at him.

Mike will be in the hospital (I am told) for quite awhile. He only just got home three days ago and since he has been home, I have noticed that he wasn’t breathing right. I mentioned it to him and he just said he thought it was because of the mass. He also has been doing goofy things in the middle of the night with no recollection of him doing these things in the morning when I questioned him. Night before last, I woke up to noise like nails on a blackboard. I thought maybe one of the cats had gotten stuck up on the windowsill and was scratching to get free? That’s what it sounded like. I flipped on the light, and saw Mike with his broad beam flashlight and one of his hunting knives. He was scraping the beam lens with his knife (it looked positively psychotic). I ran over to him and asked him what he thought he was doing? He told me he was “getting a drink of water!” I got the items away from him. Went in the kitchen to get him a glass of water and came back, and he was sound asleep. I don’t think he was getting enough oxygen to his brain and it caused him to do some really strange things.

Please just pray for him. You don’t have to announce you are- prayer is private between you and God. He hears you, and that’s what matters. I’ll update when I can.

Thank you my friends for being here right now for me. That matters as well- It matters a lot.


Just returned from a visit with him. His face is still turning alternately beet red (at the slightest movement) or pale white. He is dehydrated, anemic and no longer has AFIB. He is now in VTAC (Ventricular Tachycardia) which they say right now is hovering  in the danger zone.

His bed is right across the hall from the main desk and at any given time, he has up to four nurses facing him and watching him like a hawk. If his machine beeps they are in there in seconds.

I met the two head cardiologists assigned to his care and answered all their questions to the best of my ability. Mike is tried and peaked. he told me his vision in his left eye has become worse overnightI heard them mention retina detachment while I was there. But hewas entertaining everyone with his Christian bear story- although he got some of the story incorrect (I’ve heard the story hundreds of times). I told his victims not to laugh- it just encourages him! LOL It was good to see him, but the visits can’t be long and only two family members at a time can come in and see him.

They did tell me, he is likely to be in ICU for at least two weeks if not longer.He was awake during the insertion of the temporary pacemaker and told me they gave him a local before they put it in. I couldn’t even kiss or hug him because they said he absolutely cannot move a muscle right now and they were afraid he would try to wrap his arms around me and tax his heart. 🙁


The kitty rescued from near the dumpster this afternoon did not have bite wounds and abscesses on his neck. The five year old dilute orange had a tumor. Once removed, the tumor was sliced open and examined. This sweet kitty has squamous cell carcinoma BUT the vet believes he got it all out in one cut. He will be confined to a cage (he is going a bit crazy at the moment) for 3 weeks, then transferred to the Introduction Cage in the main enclosure to be gradually introduced into the population and remain there for 3 months before being put up for adoption.

If the squamous cell returns, it will be during that time period and it will return with a vengeance and take no prisoners. I’ve sadly had a few cats in the past with this awful cancer and once you piss it off and bother it- it can be brutal when it returns. I am hoping the vet is correct and all of it has been lopped off. Right now, he could go trick or treating as Frankenstein’s cat. Horrible incision on his neck and head.

Pigeon has had a relapse

It’s been a rocky day for us here. Pigeon is once again backed up the hilt. So much that he is throwing up poop. 🙁 They will keep him over the weekend on fluids and supportive care and on Monday they will run a barium study on him to see what gives. I am so worried and told them to just go ahead with what they need to do and I will find some way to cover the cost.

On the way home, I stopped by a fast food and noticed a cat leaning against the dumpster. He looked rather odd- his neck looked like he had a handle on it? like a suitcase. I had a cat trap in my vehicle and I managed to coax him into one and saw that he had three old wounds on his neck (deep ones). They looked like they have been abcessing repeatedly. The bottom layers are rock-hard no there is no fluid- it would all be either inflamed tissue or infection.

I want them to test him, if he tests negative, he will be neutered and treated. I am calling him Neon. He is an old man- very mellow and laid back. I would be surprised if he is negative for leukemia. But I hope I am wrong. I am waiting for the call now as all the doctors were in surgery.