I just got the most awesome update from Sterling’s new family. Seems he had taken to hiding under a chair in the bathroom and no one saw his whiskers or nose and they were getting worried. Because Sterling lived in such chaos with so many kittens, I suggested they put their resident cat Clancy in the bathroom for a short meeting- here is the result:
Mary Ann,
Clancy and Sterling met last night for a brief time. A little hissing and such but no problems. Sterling wants to get close to him in a big way but it’s too soon for Clancy. When Daisy came home he hissed a little for about 3 days then they became close friends.
Sterling won’t stay in the bathroom since then – he is very affectionate as you said and follows me around the place now. He is eating well, drinking water and using the litter box like a boss. He is just wonderful. He purrs and talks to me and has explored the entire upper floor of the house. I will have a job keeping him inside for the next 3 weeks as he is very fast on his feet.
Emilie touched noses with him this morning then laid down and the little kitty came up to her face. I think they will get along OK.
Thank you for giving me such a delightful cat.
Normally, I wouldn’t introduce two cats that quickly, but Sterling was always looking for the biggest pile of cats he could just plow into, knead him a spot and fall asleep. So job well done. Emile is a 3 year old masfif as gentle as can be. I think they will soon be fast friends.
Also recently got a call from a gal in Portland. Her friend who owns a 9 year old cat had tried to kill himself after his wife/girlfriend took off with a new boy toy. He was unsuccessful in his suicide attempt. I was told he tried to kill himself in front of the cat but when he got back home he was going to take his cat down to put her to sleep because he couldn’t deal with life. The girl said she called everyone in rescue both up there and down here and no one would help. By this time she was crying and my heart just went out to her. She had the cat, it had been turned over to her, but it attacked her and now she was afraid of it. The name of the cat: Spaz- who does that? Who gives such a disrespectful name to a beautiful creature like a cat. I listened to her story and felt her anguish and told her if she could bring the cat to us, we would take her.
She arrived this morning- a beautiful all white girl with golden eyes. She has been isolated until I can access her but she will adopt out rather quickly because everyone loves white kitties.
A bit out of focus but here is “Twirl”

Early last year, I placed Brambles into a home. Surprisingly, I got a update this morning about how she now runs the house and is best friends with Buddy the dog. Here is one of the photos sent