In the early part of January this year, I received a phone call from a gentleman named Brandon. He lived in Lebanon and he and his wife had found a young kitten, a tortoiseshell. They were unable to keep this kitten and they looked fruitlessly for a good home for her. I was their last resort- would I take her?
Knowing that torties are so hard to adopt, and having recently lost two torties myself, I told them I would meet them at Walmart and take the kitten. They were relieved and said that if life ever changed for them. They would be in touch, because they had both fallen in love with this almost hairless kitty.
That was the day that Molly came into our lives and a visit from a vet in Albany confirmed my suspicions as to why she was hairless. Someone had thrown battery acid on this beautiful girl! Mike and I decided to keep her and work on her skin problems. Using a combination of holistic measures and standard medicine, as Molly grew, her skin became less wrinkled and painful and her beautiful fur started filling in the bare spots. We loved this kitty and she took to sleeping with me at night in the crook of my arm and in the middle of the night, I could plan on being bit (in love nibbles) if she woke up and wanted to be petted. Her worse vice was jumping on the counters and even the stove- causing me several moments of near panic when in one instance, the burner was on cooking soup. Her favorite food was potato chips- go figure and she loves crackers, popcorn and Cheetos. Silly kitty, picky about wet food but would gobble up Pringles in a second.
I took her three times out to houses of families interested in adopting her, but she was always overlooked. So we kept her and I kept praying I would find the perfect place for her.
Two days ago, I received a call from a gentleman who said his name was Brandon. He said his wife had seen Molly’s photo online and was she still available? I told him yes and we arranged to meet on the 12 of Dec at their home in Albany. I told him, as I told everyone else who calls us that just because I am bringing her, didn’t mean I was going to leave her. He said he understood.
This morning- I found a home for Raine and this home is wonderful! The couple, they are delightful, retired, live quietly out in the country without another pet and they saw her photo online and fell head-over-heels in love with her. Their home was immaculate- well-maintained and Raine went right up to the woman and let her pick her up. Of course by the time I left- she was hiding under the bed, but the couple understand that this will be temporary. But if she doesn’t work out- I will drive the 3 hours up there and fetch her back. I don’t think that is going to happen. But it was a 6 hour drive and when I got home, I was pretty tired. All I wanted to do was crawl into bed.
That’s when Mike said the gentleman named Brandon called several times and wanted to change the time of meeting with me and Molly. So, I called him and he asked me if we could actually meet at 8:00 p.m. tonight. I was dead-tired, but I am not in this for my enjoyment, I want these cats to find a good home- so I said I would meet them and off I went.
When I got there, he was waiting outside and something clicked in me, that I thought I knew him. We went upstairs to his apartment and his wife was waiting as well as a beautiful, sleek, healthy black kitty to greet us. Once Molly and I were in the bedroom with the couple, they explained they were the original couple who had rescued her almost a year ago!
I smiled, let Molly out of the carrier and she went right to them. She remembered their kindness and they were so overwhelmed to see her with hair and healthy I thought they might break down and cry. We had great conversation and when I left, Molly was on top of the bed- not under it! Merry Christmas Molly, you have found your humans again- or rather, they found you. Turns out the woman had remembered me mentioning this blog and she kept tabs on my postings praying that Molly would still be available. They didn’t want to tell me over the phone who they were, because they felt I might not believe them as people now don’t trust their neighbors, let alone strangers they meet in the middle of the day at a WalMart Parking lot! I will sleep tonight- knowing that two cats who had a rough beginning are now being full-timed loved, cherished and cared for-
I did take pictures of the cats in their new homes and will post them tomorrow. Mike who is my photo/computer expert is sound asleep so the photos are still in my camera-
God Bless You All and Brandon, if you and yours are lurking- I just want to say that it has been a pleasure making your re- acquaintance tonight and I know that Molly will have a wonderful life with her new family.
Molly after months with us:

Molly adopted!
Carol and Raine- update- Raine is eating and drinking and coming out from under the bed. GREAT signs for her being in the home not quite 24 hours. They want to call her Clawdette- LOL