The vet called early this morning and told me that Popeye’s fever is down but he was wrecking the heck out of his cage, yowling and being a total pill, Would I please come and get him?
He’s been here all day and the only place I can put him is back in the deck enclosure. I have three fans, a bucket of ice in front of two of the fans. I have tried him in the house- won’t work, very confrontational with the other cats. No cages big enough in the house to keep him in without him stressing out so he is on CL as a special needs kitty in need of a foster home or a permanent loving home. I have done everything I can do to keep him cool and he was open mouth panting and his temp was raising so I gave him 40 ml of fluids and he tipped over? It was the strangest thing. I have never seen anything like it in my life. He took the fluids, then he just froze almost like he was moving slow motion- and tipped over.

I have asked all my volunteers and friends if they can take him but so far, he seems to be stuck here. Thankfully the triple digit temp is supposed to lower tomorrow. I hope so, there is a real possibility that despite all our efforts, he might not make it.