Jedi’s new pad-

I was able to get one platform in place for now. Once Mike is up to it, we will build a second larger platform at the top of the cage where her cat carrier will go. I think she likes it- she was looking out the window when I left. I need to get those see-through bird houses that attach to the glass (outside) you can see the birds inside through a special viewing panel, but they are protected with the regular birdhouse in the front-

Here’s Jedi testing out her new platform


Has your cat trained you?

Taylor, our ten year old Maine Coon-Persian mix has trained Mike quite well. I had to laugh earlier because Bentley was in Mike’s lap and Taylor got downright indignant that “HER” lap was occupied. She stood on the edge of the bed and yowled like the hounds of hell were after her. Mike finally put Bent on the floor and picked up Taylor- but she hopped back on the bed and yelled again at him. He had to get his heated blanket, wrap himself up in it, then pick her up and wrap her inside.LOL I told him he was well-trained. Got me thinking and wondering- have any of you been trained by your cats?


Digging out!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be digging snow out from in front of the cat enclosure door here in Oregon! In Alaska, we planned for that because that’s what happens in Alaska, it snows A LOT! But in Oregon? I did manage to get into the enclosure and get the food out for the kitties. They can get into the house through the tunnels, but not me- I just don’t fit through those dang things! I suppose in a dire emergency I could fit but it wouldn’t be pleasant to see.
So much snow on the ground and the barn kitties love the new heated water bowls a Saint sent them this last Christmas. It’s 21 degrees in my neck of the woods- what is it in yours?

I put out an ad for Stumbles adoption and I received almost immediately a reply from a lady in Corvallis. She has been looking for another cat for 6 months now. I applaud her for not making spur-of-moment decisions on adding another cat to her home. We’ve had a few emails back and forth, and my hope is she is just letting the idea simmer in her brain for awhile and then she will get back to me. There is a strong possibility IF I can find the right home for him, that he won’t have to spend much more time at the vet’s. I also gave her my blog address so she can check me out a bit. What you see here is what you get in real life. I just put my life out there and hope someone learns something along the way (and that would also include me in the learning).

I want to go and visit him today, but there is a warning to all to stay indoors and not drive unless absolutely necessary. Although I can drive in this stuff (after the crash course in Alaska) *G* It’s the other people I worry about. So I will stay home and hope the techs are giving him lovins.

The vet said yesterday the leg has stopped swelling! YAY! NO bone infection DOUBLE YAY! He seems to be tolerating his cast well and all he wants is someone to pick him up all day and carry him around. What a lover. I hope Laura and I can meet, she sounds like the type of person I am always looking for to adopt traumatized kitties!

Slow and Steady….

Jedi’s cage isn’t quite finished (yet) but at least she can now be inside of it at night. We still have to put in the platforms, build the outside patio perch for her and do some tweaking to make an way for her to get outside to her private porch.

Here is her new “pad”


Getting Acquainted

I opened up the cage door and carefully scooped Stumbles into my lap. He burrowed deep into my chest and I could hear his purr motor starting up. All he wanted to do was to be cherished. We sat there for quite awhile. Next door, I could hear the yap of small dogs anxious in their surroundings, but he seem unfazed by the noise.

They had to once again remove his cast and recast him because of the swelling in his leg. There is a suspicion of a bone infection and tests will be taken next time they re-cast him to find out if the suspicions are true.

He is so doggone sweet! I introduced myself to him and told him how sorry I was that he couldn’t come home right away, but soon, I told him, very soon he would be able to do so.

Jedi’s Cage is a Work in Progress

Mike and I were saying this morning that projects which used to take us maybe a day to finish, are sure taking a lot longer these days! I know he is so frustrated at the limitations of working from a wheelchair, but we are slowly getting her cage done.

This time, I am going to be smart and on the top level, I am going to create a way that once the cat is up there, I can pull something down and secure it. This way, the cat stays trapped and unable to get out of the cage until the litterpans are emptied, food bowls filled and water refreshed. Plus, if another cat gets in the cage, there will be no cat fights for territory. Whether I am going to use a thick shutter or what- I am not sure yet.

The window you see in the photo is where she will have limited access to the outside world. We will be in the future building a screened in platform for her to be able to get out of the cage environment and stay safe. She has already tried to approach the pitbull but when he sets off barking she runs away. Brandy seldom barks-

Here is the start of her cage


And although my husband swears he wasn’t taking a nap, he was “thinking” he’s in the photo too- LOL At least part of him-

Post-Surgical Visit

Poor kitty- they had to again recast his leg due to swelling this morning. I guess it is a good thing that he will be on an extended stay at the vets because this is the second time they had to recast him because of the swelling and damage to his leg. The extended care is estimated at an additional $400.00 I would rather he was here with us, but he is receiving the best possible care available in this area.

Here is Stumbles-
