A shave was needed to determine the sex of this kitty. Turns out, my first instinct was correct and she is a he, so back to the name of Victannie. $212.46 later it has been determined that he has a heart murmur, terrible gingivitis, flea dirt galore,UTI, URI, and parasites. He is anemic, dehydrated, depleted and plumb worn out but OMHeavens! What a lover! We are giving him time, groceries and prayers and hope that the ONLY thing wrong with him is fleas and parasites. He is 7 pounds! We tested him for everything under the sun and he came up negative! YAY! So now he is upstairs and I have 6 fans blowing, but it is still 80 degrees up there. It it the only place I have left that will give him solitude so he can regather himself. He needs lots of groceries, supplements and TLC They put him on Simplicef tabs, B-12, Pet Tinc and ordered me just to love him- LIKE that is hard? LOL
Serena had a big cyst on her ovary but did fine in the spay and she is in a cage in the front room. Rosco is bouncing off the walls, doesn’t miss his balls at all apparently and all cats are where they should be now-