Unexpected turn of events

Something is dreadfully wrong with Google. She has poop constantly appearing in her rectum (formed poop) I wipe it away and seconds later, it appears again. What is most disconcerting is that she doesn’t even seem to be aware that it is there. No attempt to use the litter pan, no straining to get the rest of it out- it just started this evening. I will be taking her in tomorrow and postphoning the adoption visit, the trapping session and probably Pearl’s spay so I can accomodate her. I am hoping it is just the medication that they gave her- but I have never encountered this before. Diarrhea yes, but not formed stool that just keeps leaking out. If anyone has, please speak up and let me know what this might be?

Taking Google to the vet in about 20 minutes. Don’t know if this malabsorption syndrome, spastic colon or worse? Praying it won’t be worse.

Poor Kitty

I just got a call about an older black cat that has been being befriended by some medical workers (they feed him every morning and night outside their building) This morning, he showed up with what they think is a broken leg. 🙁 They said he is swollen from his front shoulder to his front paw. They are going to bring him to me tomorrow morning (if he allows them to catch him) Only one nurse is able to even get her hands on him and she isn’t working this week. He is pitch black and apparently quite old. Here’s hoping they can catch him, if not, one of the girls will be here tomorrow to borrow a trap. I can’t go to them because Mike has doctor appointments and I have adoption calls to make. I do hope they catch this kitty- he has to be in such pain.

After the vet visit

googThe new kitty went in today to be checked over. Negative on the nasties, she has a high fever and sunburned ears, an URI and is slightly anemic. I have panacur to give her for five days, she is on amoxy and I am to give her an iron supplement which will probably turn out to be just cooked calf’s liver because it is so much easier to feed her then to pill her. On the grocery side she is 3 pounds underweight and is about 3.5 months old. We decided to call her Google because she is so user-friendly!

Here she is-

I Caved….

After two solid nights of no sleep, I contacted a foster family and put Pearl into the care of a very nice gentleman I met through Adopt-A-Pet.com He is 71 years old, lives in one town over from us and is home 90% of the time. I had to bring her to somewhere that would further her healing- her constant meowing is not good on her health. I just got an email from him a few moments ago, she is fine and sitting behind his chair right now. I am hopeful that his steady presence will soothe her and tonight she will sleep (as will I) instead of meowing non-stop. He will stay with her until her spay, then I will take her for 48 hours. I already have her up on Petfinders and CL looking for a family with someone who will be home all the time. The right family who will love her after her spay as she deserves to be.

So I caved, I didn’t meet her needs and I called UNCLE and hopefully have moved her forward in her healing instead of setting her back. Time will tell

Where are these kittens coming from?

It isn’t even “official” kitten season yet, and yet, I have again here at the house another kitten. She was found wandering outside in a field, no momcat in sight, it was storming and she was scared. She jumped into my friends car, and of course, my friend brought her here.

Not the best photo of her right now because B-Dog was prowling about- but here she is-She looks beat-to-hell but she is very friendly.


The Cyclone Project is finished

Right now, all I have to do is sweep off the deck and put out the cat furniture, but the project is finished! We worked around the weather and sore muscles and trips to the Home Depot for supplies but it is finally done. He isn’t out there right now because it is going to dip below freezing tonight. But tomorrow, I am sure he will out there looking out at the world.
