The Giving Tree

The local feed store has put up a Christmas Tree. They are calling it a Giving Tree and on it are lists of items needed by local rescue groups. I have been asked to supply a list of the needs of my cats and that puts joy in my heart. We are always in need of cat beds, cat toys, cat furniture and other items.

On the kitty front- the two kittens who arrived on the 7th of last month are for the first time fully visible when I go into the room. No more hiding under the bed, but the Siamese is still pretty shy. Her brother is braver, and cream cheese balls rolled in organic catnip brings him out of hiding quick enough. I am thrilled to see them both now but have not yet tried to touch them. Baby steps all the way-

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Now I lay me down to sleep
A pile of kitties at my feet.
Drama settles on my chest,
This being his favorite place to rest.

India snuggles at my side,
Scully dives under the covers to hide.
Dakota snuggles on my pillow,
Pushing off his sister Willow

Jordan pounces on my toes,
Braveheart lays upon the throw.
On my throat Rayne will doze,
Her long cat hair tickling my nose.

I dare not move
the cats hold me tight
And this happens
every night!

-Mary Anne Miller-

Christmas Wish

I don’t want anything this year for myself. I just want to finish out the year with healthy kittens and finding homes for those among us now. I am $95.00 shy of making the final payment for my vet to cover the euthansia costs for the cats who had to be put down last month. If anyone would like to help me whittle down this cost by sending a few dollars that would be beyond wonderful!

I wish I just had to work with healthy cats, but when the word gets out that you take in lost causes, they come pouring in- the money, not so much.

Wishing ALLl of you peace and health this holiday season.

Mary Anne