Well, in the planning stages anyway. In a matter of speaking, I am sad that it is being built because Mike was the one who decided on the location. Out on the back porch where his workbench and crafting tools have been all this time. It is a bite of reality that he finally recognizes life has changed for him in a drastic way. I also had to laugh when he suggested it last night (after the bee incident) because before he was hospitialized, he was complaining that the cats were overtaking the house and we would probably have to move out in the horse barn! Now, he has graciously given me permission to tear down his workbench (although I am just going to shift it to the other side of the porch) and then we will proceed to build this large-walk-in cage where visitors will be able to sit in comfort and visit with potential cats or kittens up for adoption.
I have no idea when I will start building it as funds are low, but the first order of business is to tear down the work bench and move it- then shift the rest of the items on the porch so this can happen. I am excited about having a potential meeting place for potential adopters as well as a safe place to put the new cats or kittens out of quarantine. All kinds of ideas running around in my head right now- if anyone wishes to chip in for this project- well you know the drill. And I thank you in advance for caring about these cats who fall into my care. I am determined to get back to my writing as soon as possible, but right now, it isn’t happening.
It is drizzly right now supposed to clear in a few days then rain again. I can’t believe it is still snowing in the pass! What strange weather.
I heard something funny on the news this morning- this gentleman got caught by a traffic cam running a red light. The police sent him a photo of his car running the light and a ticket.
The gentleman sent the sheriff a photo of $45.00 all the bills laid out real pretty in the photo. The sheriff turned around and mailed the guy a photo of handcuffs! The man paid the ticket!