My boy is home although they wanted to keep him. I can just hear Donovan’s thought process as I pass his cage where he is confined right now. (It’s a big cage though)….
“Thanks Mom, there I was lying on my sheepskin rug behind the heater, when you lifted me up and stuck me inside that darn cat carrier. I knew something was up, but I was trapped so what could I do? Then you took me on a really long drive- why did you drive so slowly Mom? Were you prolonging the agony?
We get to the scary place and there is a pit bull in the lobby looking at me like I was lunch! Thank God you understood my fear and you not only turned my carrier around so the dog couldn’t contemplate how many ways to eat a cat, but you also took off your jacket and covered me up. I appreciated that!
I saw the vet, and yeah you were right, he has kind hands- but then he stuck me three times! And really, did they have to do that to my rump? I mean how rude!
Then you put me on the floor and tried to get me to walk. I tried to walk, really I did, but my legs just don’t move right now. So then I get stuck again with a big needle and put back into that darn cat carrier and another really loooong slow drive home- and now I am stuck in the bedroom in a cage! And you say you love me! HUMP!”
The vet suspects Donovan has a bone infection although there is no visible bite wound and my cats don’t fight- so I have no idea if that is right. By the time I got to the vet, he was so worked up his 103.6 temp went up to 105! But he is eating and drinking- there is no third eyelid and his paws were cool, so the vet is puzzled.
He was given a pain shot, and an antibiotic shot and he is to start antibiotics tomorrow. If his fever isn’t down by noon tomorrow, I am to bring him back immediately for a “sleep-over.”
I am grateful that they got him in today and didn’t even raise an eyebrow when I gave them yet another post-dated check to add to the pile. I know that Donovan feels betrayed because he is in the cage, but I need to keep him away from the heater where he has been sleeping for the last two weeks.
Poor kitty- those eyes that follow me when I am in the room, they make me feel like a criminal- I had to put him behind bars! I drove slow because it was snowing. The flakes are so big and it was hard to see. But try telling Donovan that!