The much-needed rain has arrived. It started pouring hard last night around 11 PM and it did not stop. When I went outside this morning at 2:00 AM to feed, I couldn’t open the back door. All my cats were clustered on the steps. It was raining so hard and they were so frightened, they are used to being able to get under the house out of the weather. With this access cut off from them, their only recourse was to crowd up the back stairs.
12 cats on four steps made it a little bit tenuous to navigate. I ended up going out the front door and enticing them to the platform with food. Thank you to those of you who sent food quickly to us. It is so much needed. I did the math and on severe weather days, I feed 210 cans of cat food a month that adds up quite quickly. So again thank you to those of you who sent money and or food.
it is now 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon and the rain has started again it left for about four hours. My trees are so thirsty they are just drinking in the moisture. Even after all the rain that has fallen the ground part of it is still dry. I find it a bit unsettling when I look at the cracks in the dirt and I don’t see earth worms come broiling up to the top. I wonder if the severe drought and all these fires have killed off the earthworms?
I took a walk back to the creek but it’s only trickling. There’s a lot of water that God still needs to deliver before my creek is full. The cats are going to have to get used to going in the outbuildings. I hope after a few days of stormy weather they’ll figure it out. I leave all the outbuildings open for their convenience but last night the unexpected storm not only freaked me out a bit, but it also scared them Misty was on the step as well