Sarah Update

Just spoke to the vet. They have done bloodwork in house in order to find a quicker answer. kidney and liver values are not alarming. I hope I made the right call- blood work over a feeding tube? The decision haunts me a bit as I know that Sarah is entering the one week mark since she has voluntarily tried to eat food. But not only is she at risk if we don’t get answers- but her four babies who are right now doing great- are at risk as well. They are keeping Sarah supplemented by sub cu fluids and forced feedings. They tell me she acts like she has checked out- her body is present, her mind is not.

Thank you to those of you who have donated either prayers of money on her behalf. Her situation reminds me a lot of what Shell had to go through in her private hell before we got to her. Let’s just hope it isn’t to late that we arrived.


I’ve been so busy trying to save her and the babies, that no photos were even taken of them yet. I hope to have photos by Weds of next week- but not sure at this point. All concentration is going on getting this family healthy and back together again in one piece!

2 thoughts on “Sarah Update

  1. It’s a bad idea to install a feeding tube without knowing what’s going on bloodwork-wise. It almost sounds like fallout from hyperthermia or some kind of brain injury. Hope they can get her back to the land of the living.

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