Sparkle’s Saga~

It has been a morning that I won’t forget for a long while. I was on my way to the vet with Mr. Meowgi- a 7 year old male (neutered) black boy who had the misfortune of wandering into a yard of 6 pit cat hating pit bulls BUT was instantly scooped up and put in the garage to keep him safe. I saw the post on FB and because of the passing of Bella, we have room and I told the girl I would take him. I was taking him in to be tested and scanned for a chip when my phone rang. One of my volunteers, her son had been watching a cat wandering down by the river (for two weeks) The cat was extremely skinny, scavenging food out of the trash barrels and had been hanging around the bridge for about three days, so Chris brought her home and Dee called me. Could I take her? It just so happened I was about to pass their home, so I swung in and picked her up as well and took both to the vet.

Mr Meowgi, no chip, healthy, beautiful sleek just keeps calling out for his human.


The second kitty is not so lucky. She is paper thin, she has muffled breathing sounds. I wanted them to treat her but their was a problem. She was microchipped, so for now, I was out of the equation. I waited at the office while one of the girls tried to contact the owner and it didn’t go well. One family member didn’t want the cat back, the other did. They had to “discuss it” and would call back. I waited from 8:30 till noon for that call which never came- so I told the vet that if they decided to put the cat to sleep or didn’t want it all. That we would take her if the vet thought that there was a chance the cat was treatable and able to be saved. I left and prayed all the way home.

I got the call at 3:00. Final verdict, they did not want their cat back. Apparently this cat would “vanish” from time to time so they were over it. So I gave them permission to do what needed to be done to help the cat become comfortable. She was given injectable steroids, antibiotic and anti-inflammatories. I am to take her back in 2 weeks to be re-x-rayed.

I put  her by herself in the deck enclosure and moved Mr. Meowgi to the Introduction Cage. I have to keep her secluded because they don’t know if this is asthma, pneumonia, cat flu, a viral or a bacterial infection. Her name had been Cracker and after thinking about it for a few- I decided that if there was a glimmer of hope that she could be saved- by golly we would go the distance and so I named her Sparkle.

Would like to ask now for donations for her. Whatever is going on with her is pretty substantial. I still have 40 calendars left would someone like to order one? They are $10.00 all the money donated goes to vet care and gives these cats a fighting chance at new life NO MATTER how old they are. Today’s  bill alone was $381.00.

I did take her to my friend Midge to get photos of her. She is a Russian Blue mix. She has already eaten in the three hours she has been here 1.5 cans of AD and 2 cups of dry. She drank water like a camel. You run your hand along her back, you feel every bone of her spine. When you pick her up to move her- you feel her ribs. I don’t know how long she has been “lost” I wonder if she was dumped but we will never know. She is here now, she is safe, she is loved and I will keep you informed of her progress.

Because she shares the same symptoms as Bella had, I was so afraid she was also going to be a cat that was hit by a car but all the x-ray showed was her lungs looking like gravel and empty stomach and colon. Thank You God-

Here she is and I think she is beautiful (or she soon will be). I can’t wrap my head around someone owning a cat most of their life and then not wanting them anymore. But it happens all the time.

So if anyone can tuck a few dollars into the CATS Inc., fund- it is very much needed-



4 thoughts on “Sparkle’s Saga~

  1. I’ll see what I can send. Those are good pictures. The one in which Sparkle is looking out the window is a nice shot. It says, too, that she is interested in life, which I consider a good sign.

  2. She head-bumped me this morning when I went to feed her. I was almost afraid to open up the door because yesterday, she found a spot and didn’t move from it except to eat. I believe she was telling me “Thank you, for showing me I DO Matter!”

    I do have a confession to make. I went off on a local FB yesterday not once, but twice. I kept it clean but I am so tired of the non-treatment of strays and ferals here and all the apathy that exists when it comes to cats. About two hours later, I get an email asking me to come to a Town Meeting in another county and talk to them about some of the issues surrounding the stray and feral cats that I have encountered. It is next week.

  3. A friend who lives in Brownsville, told me he found two kittens in his carport. He thinks maybe the mom is moving then there. He REALLY is not a cat person. His attitude is, ‘it’s busy out tgere, they’ll move in’. Do you know of any way, organization, etc…, that could help? I don’t even know how many kittens, there were 2, when he went to work thus morning. At the very least, I tried to talk hunting letting them stay there, get a trap from the animal shelter, and TNR the mom. But, he doesn’t seem like he wants to do anything. I can’t help, I’m disabled, limited income, and akready have a,dog and 3 cats, 2 of whom were rescues, and, I struggle to take care of them.

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