Yesterday late, with all the activity going on in the yard, someone left the stall enclosure door opened. All five cats escaped! Thankfully, I was able to capture four by hand and one went into the new catio and I shut him in. Three more strays have been captured. They are at the vet’s being neutered. They are pitch black and pencil thin. They seem to get along together, so all three of them will go in our large cage inside the main enclosure. They look fairly young- will know later. I have to take Blake into the vet later this afternoon and will learn about the three new ones then.
Great news from the weekend posts; adoptions, new catico and the best, the cats trust you! Being able to handle these cats will make future vet visits and, hopefully, adoption transports so much easier. Happy thoughts!
Glad you were able to catch all those kitties without much trouble. They were probably just as happy to get back inside.