Update on Roscoe and it isn’t my birthday!

Roscoe is in a holding pattern at the moment here at the house. There is major soft tissue damage to his throat and gums and his salivary glands are inflamed from all the trauma. They gave him a steriod shot to calm things down- put him on antibiotics and I am syringe feeding him. He is in a large cage and sleeping right now- If he isn’t better by Monday, I will take him back and they will probably have to do surgery at that point, but right now, to much damage to assess what needs to be done.

I got home from the vet to find this waiting for me on the front porch- and it isn’t even my birthday! She is a young tortie mom- and I do mean young- with 5 kittens all with eye issues. I have calls out to all my rescuer friends to see if they can take her and her babies off my hands, but for right now the family is upstairs in the cupboard on the stairs. Tortie mom is so tiny and skinny- she ate two cans of canned kitten food like she hasn’t seen food in a very long time- bless her tortie heart!

Happy Late Birthday to me-to

Eye issuesoheye

8 thoughts on “Update on Roscoe and it isn’t my birthday!

  1. Prayers that Roscoe can heal without surgery. I’ve read your post on his accident a couple of times and tried to envision what happened. Poor little guy. Lots of painful injuries. Do you think he just literally ran into that hook?
    On the Mom cat and babies… She is really cute, and so are those babies. While I am relieved they didn’t just dump them out in the middle of nowhere, they were pretty cowardly to just put them on the front porch and run. If they had spayed their kitten to begin with, this problem would have never happened. At least now this little family has a chance at a better life.

  2. I would have to think that because he was dangling off the hook, that he ran into it with his mouth open. Why he did this is anyone’s guess. I know he is full of personality and gets into a lot of mischief. We had to pull him out of a box of frosted flakes a few days ago- he got stuck digging after the sweet treat. He is thankfully eating on his own now A/D so I am hopeful that he will heal on his own and not need surgery. I had this surgery done before on another rescue, and it is prohibitively expensive and really hard for the vets to perform (the removal of the glands) I don’t really want that visited on him.
    I don’t know if it is just an accumulation of all that has happened recently, but all I want to do right now is find a corner and sit and cry. I feel responsible for what happened to him although the vets assured me they have seen and heard of weirder incidences when it comes to cats and kittens. I don’t know if is losing my Dad, losing Vic then having to euthanize those three sweet kittens and now Roscoe’s injury but today is not a good day in my neighborhood,

    Star is doing better- I am feeding her inside of a carrier and she is eating all her food and nibbling her kibble. If I take her out of the crate, she prays over the food and won’t eat-

  3. CHEERS on Roscoe eating and Star feeling better. DEEP….Ok, really DEEP sigh over precious momma and beautiful babies. Thank God someone had the idea to bring them to help and not let them die somewhere. I’m throwing another few dollars on the electronic wire..

  4. Mary Anne. If you have a quiet place, there’s nothing wrong with sitting down and crying over lost kitties, or anything else. Personally, we’re more of the “go outside and scream” philosophy, but to each your own.

  5. On Roscoe, that does make sense that he was running along with his mouth open. They can get crazy and not be aware. I’ve used A/D many times for feeding sick or fragile cats and kittens. It’s like a miracle drug.
    Happy that Star is moving in the right direction. A bit of a relief there.
    Holding in emotions becomes habit after a while. Always feeling that you have to keep it together because, well… there’s nobody else, no time to feel bad, or whatever reason. But I agree with other posters, sometimes you just gotta let it out. I have found for myself that stuff stacks on top of each other which makes each problem encountered bigger and more difficult to bear. At some point, normal people just have to vent. Crazy people… well they do stupid stuff like shoot other people.
    So, just vent and if that means you cry, or laugh until you cry, or go outside and yell, do whatever it takes for some serenity.

  6. Don’t feel that what happened to Roscoe is your fault. Bizarre accidents will happen. Every precaution that can be taken may be taken, and yet bad things will continue to happen. They are like water: they will find the smallest crack or hole and drip through. Fortunately, such floods are rare – and rarer still with caring and careful people such as yourself.

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