Thanksgiving Dinner has Arrived!

Early this morning, I took B on her customary walk through our pasture and woods. As we came up over the hill, below us I spied a flock of wild turkeys. There were over a dozen busy pecking the bugs out of the soil before the next soaker came in to chase them back to their nests.

I called out to them and invited them all to our table, but they just fluffed their feathers and ignored me. B-dog being a herding dog, took off in a lope toward them to round them up to comply with my wishes- but they saw her coming and flew off into the trees.

I thanked B for her willingness to provide turkey dinner for the entire town, and she licked my hand as if to say “Sorry Mom, they were to far away!” LOL

As we finished our walk, the turkeys gobbled a scolding at me. How dare I interupt their breakfast!

I love our land, it grants such peace when things get hectic. We have beavers in our creek, turkeys, squirrels, possums, coons, foxes and skunks that come out of our woods. We have bats in our rafters and tall trees to sit under and find our center again.

Today, both Rayne and Toad have gone for their neuters. I am thrilled to say that I am not the only one who has fallen deep for Rayne. She is a petite mackeral tabby and her favorite spot to sleep is right under my chin. My girlfriend Patty has also flipped for her and decided to adopt her after her daughter moves out in a few weeks. Rayne couldn’t have a better home!

Yesterday at the bone surgeon’s office, he was ecstatic over the improvement of Mike’s leg and told me I missed my calling! LOL He had expressed some misgivings earlier on when I told him I wanted to yank Mike out of wound care, because I didn’t see them helping out Mike’s leg. But he said he would respect my wishes unless something went wrong. Well that was over a month ago and for the FIRST time since the April surgery, Mike’s incision is completely healed! I told him that it wasn’t me- it was God working and he got this wonderful smile to his face and agreed. During the initial surgery, his associate came out to get my permission for more extensive work on the leg and before I signed it- he took my hands in the middle of the ER and we prayed together. Dr. Lin is a surgeon who does not dismiss the presence of God.

On the Cyclone front- he is looking better than yesterday. His eyes aren’t gooky anymore. I need to go and pick up his prescription today- it’s a spendy antibiotic that the clinic doesn’t routinely stock. It had to be ordered and they put a rush on it and it will be here later today.

cyfaceWe are supposed to have a huge storm coming down on us- but my heart is with those on the east coast facing the wrath of Sandy. Be safe all of you and keep your kitties safe and snug. I often wondered what I would do if such severe weather hit here. We had a straight line wind about 7 years ago that killed two cats in the barn. Trees were down all over our property and it took me 6 months to clean up the place. It was an incredible show of power on Mother Nature’s part. We had no warning it was going to hit and as I drove home from town, the wind was whipping. I was on the highway and sheep were rolling across the lanes! I saw this large, round disc flying high in the distance and at first I thought I was hallucinating because it looked like a flying saucer! It flew low over the truck (I ducked) LOL but realized as I saw it closer, it was someone’s trampoline that had gone airborne!
I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in the middle of a hurricane or tornado, but I got a small taste way back when.

Well, time to go clean litter boxes- any volunteers?

3 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Dinner has Arrived!

  1. WE are in South West Virginia near Blacksburg (Virginia Tech) and Roanoke … we are NOT looking forward to the storm … BLAH!!! Thanks for thinking of us .. we will try to keep peoples updated about whats happening at out place. WE are hoping for NOTHING!

  2. Cyclone is sooo goofy cute! Glad he is doing better. How are the kittens doing??? Keep us updated on your weather, too.

    Cooollllld out in the Plains of Kansas right now!

    Katie Kat.

  3. Good for Rayne. It’s nice to know where a cat is going and that it will be a good place.

    Cyclone looks in rough shape but he’s now in good hands. You mentioned his age in an earlier article and it made me sad, not just for him, but for my Tungsten. She looks quite a bit like Cyclone but has had an easy life for the past five or six years – which means the way she looks is age… Sigh.

    As to weather, that was a good story about the trampoline. It’s something you may not believe unless you saw it happening! We had terrific wind here some weeks ago, and as I was riding my bicycle, I was nearly wiped out by a children’s swimming pool – empty of children, thank goodness. It was just God letting us know who the real High and Mighty One is.

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