Charlie was left alone for a few hours while we took Chandler up to her new home in Portland! I couldn’t be more pleased with the couple who adopted her. She has this huge house to roam around in, a seven year old boy to love her and two adults who understand cats quite well. It was a long drive, but worth it. Plus she will be an only kitty! Which she will love once she adjusts to the major changes.
Charlie had a bath today. Holy smokes! The water turned rusty red from flea dirt! I thought he might be bleeding it was so red, but it was flea dirt and dead fleas. I threw some towels into the dryer so he was wrapped up in warming towels until he dried. Mike and I took turns holding him. he isn’t eating right now, but as gentle as I was, he still didn’t like the bath. So, I suspect he is just a bit upset.
Baker went to the vet today, he didn’t break his leg (thank God) but they did find he had an infection. he is on amoxy. They also took another stab at cleaning his ears= he and trump have the worst case of ear mites I have ever seen.
Here is Charlie after his bath