Toxic Rescue update

Two kittens will be going back to the vet today as soon as they open and I can make an appointment. One is the runt, a little gray girl and the other is also a gray kitty with all these bumps all over her. I was looking at those bumps last night and there are little white blisters all over her, which I think is fire ants. If these kittens came from out of the mountain pass it is feasible that they are fire ant bites. These two kittens are barely eating the other three are now eating on their own, God Bless their little paws. I’ll probably take all of them with me so the vet can see them better. It was a rushed visit yesterday and they were such a mess.Now they have had several baths, been safely de-wormed and de-flead and had a bit of food that they can handle. The bigger black boy got scared during his bath yesterday and grabbed my thumb and bit down hard. Alligator needle teeth! OUCH! Mike said I should call him Nipper!

They were so hungry when they first arrived here that one was eating the cat litter, so I dumped the clay litter and put dried beans in the litter box instead.

1:13 update- the kittens are exhibiting signs of toxic shock syndrome (tremors and small seizures) I was afraid it might be distemper but the vet said it isn’t pronounced enough and he thinks with good food, hydration and TLC they will pull through this trauma- I hope he is right.

I decided to call the little girl Heidi because she likes to hide. The little gray boy is yet unnamed none of the other kittens are named yet either. I am waiting to see if they actually survive. The bumps turned out to be from the fleas. When I was giving her a bath yesterday she was covered with them (because she is the smallest and weakest) even getting her wet, they were clinging to their kitty buffet and it took quite alot to get them off her. I deflead them even though they had been exposed to toxins because what the fleas do to kittens is far worse then putting a bit of chemical on them.

5 thoughts on “Toxic Rescue update

  1. Oh, that little Nipper………… inner worrywort just popped out. MA, have you been vaccinated for rabies? If not please keep close watch on that little boy. You don’t know his background and rabies is nothing to fool with.

    I don’t mean to sound cold, just realistic, but if the worst happens to him I would definitely send him in for rabies testing. Especially if you say they’ve been having seizures.

    Please, please be careful! (I’ve been exposed to rabies myself and have gone through the treatments, now I’m vaccinated)

  2. Andrea, I have had a tetanus shot and keep it updated, but it is doubtful this little one has rabies. I had a cat when I was small that contracted rabies and I know the signs. I will never forget my dad in the backyard with a fishing net trying to capture Smokey who was in full rabies mode. He used to hunt the fields behind our house and bring home gophers moles and snakes.

    I think Nile- he bit me again last night because a ping pong ball scared him- I think he is just scared from all the stress he has been through in his short life. I have full-strength Dakins here and use it on all my bites and scratches. I didn’t want to call him Nipper or AlligatorLOL I can imagine a vet thinking he probably didn’t want to treat a cat named Alligator so I settled for Nile (for Nile Crocidile)

    The kittens are just sick, scared and fighting the toxins in the nasty stuff they were exposed to. Most of them have head tremors and bob and weave which is part of the exposure

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