I received the call this morning. The woman has discovered something I missed totally and I ALWAYS check the claws on strays- ALWAYS- but with her being so heavily pregnant having the kittens so fast and them not surviving it escaped my notice McKenna has been declawed! 🙁 They wanted her for an outside kitty on their ranch so they are bringing her back today-
At least the vet should have noticed. Declawing should be made illegal. Cats are so helpless without their claws.
The sooner declawing is banned worldwide the better. It’s barbaric. Poor McKenna, it’s good that she will be back inside safely now. Hope a good indoor home comes up for her very soon
Poor McKenna. Hopefully she’ll find a home where defencelessness won’t matter because she’ll be safe. Until then, she’ll be safe with you. Is there another cat the ranchers are interested in?
Well, thank Bast they didn’t just shrug and figure she’d be fine.
Purrrrring that McKenna finds a nice at least mostly inside home soon.