Oh Happy Days! Scotty was on the bed this morning and he allowed me to touch him for the very first time without backwards skipping away from me and falling off the bed in his haste to get away! It has been just over five months since this little mackeral tabby boy arrived after someone tried to end his life by stuffing him into a letterbox in a near-abandoned steel yard.
He never tried to bite me, though he would swat at my hand if I tried to touch him. My hand has so many holes in them they look like pincushions.
But, since I didn’t pursue him and let him come to his own conclusion that this home is safe for him, he is now starting to trust me and petting is now on the schedule.
Look at this beautiful boy!
Today is going to be a difficult day. I have another person who wants Fog so I will be taking this beautiful boy to what might be his forever home later this afternoon. I will miss him so much- we have rituals in the morning where I get down on my knees and he jumps on my back, walks to my neck and then around to my front and hangs on me. I roll over carefully on my back and we snuggle together for a few minutes, then he jumps off my chest and rolls on his belly and he gets the longest belly rub. He is the neatest kitty. I am not sure I am going to leave him. It all depends on what I find when I get to the home.
I want to be sure that he will be loved and cared for the rest of his days-
I am in tears on all fronts – in tribute to all the work you have put into socializing Scotty finally bringing its rewards, and in hoping so hard that dear Fog gets the forever home he deserves….and finally, for your strength and resolve in making sure that it is the RIGHT home for each of your kitties: half-measures won’t do!
Well I probably didn’t make a new friend today,but I told the gal who was interested in Fog that I did not believe her home was the best place for this boy. I didn’t even take him to meet her, I came to this decision after re-reading all the emails sent to me from her. It is never easy to make such a difficult decision and leave someone disappointed- but I take what I do for these kittens seriously. Her remarks about letting him outdoors after he has been with them awhile concerned me. He isn’t interested in going outside and has every ample opportunity to do so here when we let the dog in and out. Yet, when I told her this, she still remarked that she would give him an opportunity to go outside should he wish…sigh..
In retrospect, I should have stopped the communication after the third email instead of getting her hopes up and for that I am sorry. But it is as I told her, I am not trying to “get rid” of these kittens and cats. I want the best possible home for them and if that doesn’t happen, then they will stay here with us.