Manchester’s temperature has spiked again so I gave him some fluids and his meds. He is not happy in confinement, this male kitty who used to roam outside. His meows of protest are filling our home and the other cats are nervous, skittish, wondering why one of their own is so upset.
I hate that he is sick and no one can tell me why. He falls under that aggravating term in vet medicine called NDW- and FOUO Not Doing Well and Fever of Unknown Origin. My uneducated guess is that he had something percolating in his tissue or cells and some stress trigger happened that threw him off and he became ill. For me, that fits better then falling under the category of NDW.
They didn’t see any point in keeping him another night, and they have no one at the clinic who stays at night. I have asked before to stay with my cats when they are there, but due to insurance purposes, they tell me they can’t do that. At my old clinic, before we moved here, they had someone who stayed all the time, so I guess I am spoiled a bit.
So he is home, he is quite sick and I will be with him all night. Time to get the coffee on- it is supposed to drop to freezing tonight! In April- in Oregon? I hauled up the little heater for warmth for him as we don’t have central heat and air in this old farmhouse. I’ll do all I can to get his temp down, he just got fluids and I did an alcohol rub on his pads and ear flaps. Poor kitty, one would think he was being tortured by his yowls of protest of being put up away from the others until he is well again-
we are sending many purrrrrrs for Manny – he shur is handsome!! purrrrss to you as well MA
Oh MA, I have been thinking of both of you all day today… I was so afraid of coming here, but I am so glad he is home with you tonight… We will be sending all the good vibes and energy your way – Many hugs, much love,
All of us
The infamous ‘Fever of Unknown Origin’. Also known as ‘Beats the Heck Out of Me’. Hang in there, Manny. We’re still purrrrrrring for you.