If someone had told me months ago that I would let some of my core kitties go to other homes, I might have slapped them. But with the departure of Riley, Hurricane Charlie and Everest, my strongest Alphas, the house is now settling down and the cats are figuring out who is in control. So far, two have stepped up to the plate; Tandem and Bayer both black cats. Bayer is a year old and Tandem is around the same. One male, one female. My money is on Tandem, she seems to have the stronger presence right now and seeks out the highest spots in the house. She ousted Fiona the other day. Fiona growing tired of all the meds I pushed down her throat and her recent vet visit had retired to the top of the world’s tallest cat condo on our patio (16 feet tall) She was up there in the crows nest sleeping when Tandem ran up the poles and whapped her on the nose. (I was nearby sorting laundry) Fiona growled, but Tandem stood her ground and soon Fiona made her way to a lower perch. I swear Tandem winked at me. That has been her favorite sleeping spot since.
I talked to the gentleman who took my core kitties and he couldn’t be more pleased with them. He is moving them out of the one building and putting them in his garage (heated) that is right under his home! He has a beautiful estate, he is far from the rush of traffic and his nearest neighbor is five miles away. His home is surrounded by forest and I know these cats are very happy in their new home even if I still cry about their departure. But the bottom line is if the cats go outside here, they are in danger of being hit by a car. Ever since the county came in and took a big chunk of our property to widen the road- the road has claimed a lot of kitties. Loving them, rescuing them and worrying about them doesn’t mean they need to stay here. I want them here, but a larger part of me wants them safe and loved. Here, I cannot guarantee they will be safe should they get outside.
So the house settles with two fighting to be in ultimate control although these skirmishes quiet whenever Baker makes his appearance. Baker is semi-feral and when he decides to come in the house (he has lived with us now for ten years) you can tell that He is the Alpha. That’s when the real fights break out and I have to step in and say “Hey Guys, remember me? I’m the one in control!”