The transformation of my home is nothing short of amazing at this point. Although it is still not finished, just walking through it right now makes my heart sing. Before, it was dark, and bleak and in ill-repair. Now it is bright and cheerful and full of promise. I am uploading photos now to share.
I still only have heat in the living room which is also my one studio bedroom apartment. I swear when this is all over, I am never going to eat a TV dinner again! My stove is still not working fully, we keep getting hung up by cancelled appointments from inspectors. Hoping since the holidays are now behind us, this will improve in the coming days. Frozen dinners are no fun.
Because the rest of the house is so cold still, I have caught a massive cold and Kota is beside himself because of it. He has never seen me so ill and every time I get a massive coughing fit- he runs over to help me and he can’t. I just have to push him away until I catch my breath again. It’s been a week of coughing right now and I am so over it. The doctor said I just have to let it run its course.
Since the removal of the tunnels, the under the house kitties are going into the main enclosure. Perhaps the secret of getting them to move was to allow them other escape holes to get through. These, I can’t do anything about but at least they are not open to the bitter winter wind as they are on the side protected by our house. My house now soon to be my home. I will put some photos up..

I’m not sure what I saw removed made me happier- the nasty ugly avocado green-orange-yellow wallpaper or all the scruff marks on the walls from Mike’s wheelchair. I think it was the wallpaper from the 70’s that wins!
What a transformation you are going through!
Hope you feel better soon, and Happy New Year.
Glad you are taking images of the transformation. Once it is all done it is easy to forget what things looked like before. The walk-in shower is great. About cooking in your studio apartment – it must have electric outlets, right? Go on Freecycle and ask for a slow cooker / crockpot. I love mine for chili, pulled pork, soups, etc. Very easy to use. Instant Pot has too steep a learning curve for you to deal with right now. Feel better soon, and enjoy all the good things the new year is bringing to you.
This is wonderful to read about. What’s even more wonderful is the hope and cheer I can read in your attitude. This ‘new’ house will work wonders for you. (And that Kota is a darn good friend! We should all have one like him.)