Pigeon is feeling punky right now. Because we have so many boots on the ground around here now, he slipped out of the house the other day and was gone for three days. When he returned, the first thing he did when I let him back in the house, was to duck under my desk. (Not a normal behavior for him).
At first, I thought that he was nervous because the men were stomping all over the roof, so I let him be. I shouldn’t have given him the benefit of the doubt. In four hours he had barely moved. I went under to pick him up and my hand slipped inside of him. He had yet another wound on the back of his leg! Not as horrendous as the first one, but still not good.
I ran him into the bathroom and started clipping away his fur, found the wound and started to clean it. It was so nasty smelling, I knew it was infected. Of course it was Sunday late afternoon, but I had no antibiotic on hand and the smell knocked me back. It was an emergency run to the vet.
He has to have animax shot into the wound twice and day and liquid antibiotics shot down his throat. He is not a happy boy. Of course I had JUST paid down the vet debt to a manageable level, but now it is a few hundred dollars. The Kitty only has $24.00 in it currently. If you happen to have ten dollars gathering dust somewhere- we could sure use it about now.
Pigeon is on house-arrest until further notice-
Oh, Pigeon!
He seems to find trouble whenever he goes exploring…