Last night, I tried something new as Foster’s temp soared even higher. I put rubbing alcohol in the wash basin and put all his feet down into the solution. I propped his head up high so the fumes didn’t make him sicker and we did that several times last night. His temp was 107.4 (sob) it is now 103.4. He is so congested, I put saline drops in his nose and then just put him in the cage for the day. He is eating and drinking so that is encouraging. The other kittens seem fine-
It is now almost 7:00 p.m. Foster started plummenting downhill fast early this afternoon. When I left for work he was having problems breathing. I had a call in to the vet, but when I got home from work the vet hadn’t called and Foster had died. Mike laid him in the forest.
I’m sorry little guy- I was trying like hell to save you but help came to late. Go in love and at least you knew that someone did give a damn.