Huckles Update:
Huck isn’t doing as well as I wish he was. There was a return trip to the vet, where it was discovered that Huck (now a boy) I always get that wrong when they are so young! He lacks the ability to push his stool through successfully after each feeding. He has become blocked, and it has been necessary (and heart-breaking) to help him because it means a kitty enema.
Enemas on any cat is not easy of them, but for kittens, it is ten times worse. I was told if he doesn’t poop, don’t feed him! The bloat is out of control. He looks literally like you could put a pin in his belly and he would explode like a balloon. He is not even a week old! If we stopped feeding him, he would die. That’s not an option.
I sought out the advice of a feline specialist and it is her thinking that the Queen must have been FeLV positive and that is why the little ones are having these issues. It does not mean that Huck has FeLV, just for his entire life, he will be a special needs kitty when it comes to this pooping issue.
She suggests that besides the pumpkin that I am using, I am to add Miralx (just a tiny amount) to every feeding. She also believes that not feeding him is not an option but also an enema every feeding is a bit excessive. I tried to tell my vet that kittens (especially at this age) do not always poop after being fed. But some vets you can’t tell them everything and she wasn’t my regular vet,
So we are feeding Huck every two hours round- the- clock. Putting soothing ointment on his tormented behind. He will latch onto the bottle for only a few seconds then he will look elsewhere for food (my finger my hand the blanket) It really breaks my heart. I let him eat as much as he wants and even though it is very little- he is still here, active and fighting.
When I try to give him a bit more, he develops horrendous breathing issues that scares me to no end- so that stopped me from giving him more. The specialist said it is because of the bloat, the backed-up stool. He is to get one enema a day only if no poop appears.
Poor kitty, he did not ask for this life, but right now, this is what has been dealt to him. I still call him Huckles, but as he grows (and I pray he does) I will shorten it to Huck. I named him in honor of Huckleberry Finn a book one of my granddaughters is currently reading and pelting me with information about it. LOL I don’t think she wants to read the whole thing and she knows Gamma has read it several times over.
So please continue praying for this little boy who is showing all the signs of being a gorgeous flame-point Siamese if he can stay in the game. Pray for me too, no relief for me except on Friday during the food run. But I can handle it- what I can’t handle is watching this brave kitten struggle for breath during feeding times.
What a terrible ordeal for Huck. Will he outgrow his bowel problems?
That’s the prayer, but there is no way of knowing for sure. Taking it one day at a time with the help of God. he still doesn’t have all his fur yet. He came out as his brother did- half-baked. 🙁 You can see in the photo that from the back end-he has very little fur. he was devoid of fur there when he arrived. He also has no fur on his belly on down. His fur is just now starting to come in. Poor Angel.
C’mon Huckles! You can do it!