He was hit by a car last night. He is at the vet right now in surgery undergoing a three-toe declaw. 🙁 Baker is one of those cats who is miserable inside. He sprays, he scratches the door, he cries endlessly. He wants to be out in the back in the barn catching mice. I need to go set up an area for him to be comfortable in in the barn now. I know if I put him in the house- there will be hell to pay. 🙁
He is home now minus four toes. He has had a partial declaw on his back rear foot. He is in so much pain right now that he doesn’t want to eat or drink, but he does want me to hold him and comfort him. Poor Kitty- he has to be in the bandage for five days and he gets a re-check in two weeks. He has 81 stitches in his paw.