She came out of the shadows about a month ago. I am guessing it is girl and like the other orange kitty that recently came here, her eye is also compromised. We are wondering if this was a litter dropped off or just a litter from another place that have found their way here. I tried putting out the traps- but besides catching a HUGE possum, a skunk and my own cats- this one stays clear. I have just been going out there and talking to her and before, she would normally just run back through the hole in the fence and come in after I leave to eat- now she will at least stay at the corner of the shop and watch me carefully when I am dishing out food.
I am not sure what is going on with her eye- whether this litter had a bad case of conjunctivitis. or she got into a fight. I don’t know if she is blind in that eye. I am hoping because this morning I saw her for the first time on the other side of our house looking at the other cats inside the enclosure, that her trust meter is not on high alert and before the end of the month, I can gain her trust and get in to be seen. I just call her Orange Mist because until today, she simply just evaporates from sight. I am also giving her probiotic powder in her food- hoping to help her because she is so emaciated it breaks my heart.
Here he/she is right before dusk. Each day slowly getting braver
Orange Mist doesn’t know it yet, but she’s come to the right spot! Today, tomorrow, next week or next month, she’s going to receive care…and love.
The ones in need seem to find their way to you.