They are now eating on their own, even Hooty. He is still on his antibiotics and although they are three months old now, they only weigh in at about 2 pounds. I am going to wait to have them spayed until they weigh 4 pounds just to be safe. They have gone through so much together- and they are all silly, wonderful, beautiful kittens. I am grateful they survived the ordeal, I am having to clean up the kitten room about three times a day because they are 5 little terrors! LOL
“Little terrors” is great news!
I was going to write just what Bernadette wrote: ‘little terrors’ is a very good sign.
5 little terrors, YAY so happy to hear this news and sorry you have to clean the room 3 times a day, so happy to hear that you have to clean the room 3 times a day! 5 lives saved by you, 5 little ones that hopefully will grow up to make somone very loving lap kitty, maybe Mike!!!!