The Hanna Scare

I had to take Hanna back in this morning. Her wound was simply not healing and it kept oozing this nasty black sludge. This time, we did test her and she can back faint positive for FIV (feline aids). It was so faint the vet and I decided to retest her and she came back negative. TYG!

I left her there and the vet just called- turns out when he removed the growth from her it was not a spider bite- it was skin cancer which is odd because usually only light colored kitties are susceptible to melanoma. The good news is he got all of it- but she has 22 stitches in layers now. They will dissolve in about two weeks and she should be right as rain.

She is such a sweet girl. I am glad we re-tested her- I really don’t wish to add to the Bridge Babies count this late.

I also took Mike’s 19 year old kitty Taylor in. I thought she might be in renal failure but thankfully it turns out that she has a UTI and the x-ray revealed that she has enough internal hair in her colon to build another cat! I have to pour laxatone down her throat 4 times a week and if that doesn’t help her feel better- then they will do surgery on her to remove all the hair. I groom her twice a month but she mats if you look at her- she is part Persian and Maine Coon. She loves Mr. Mike to death- she barely tolerates me but I am the mat remover, the medicine giver, the groomer and claw clipper. He gets to love her- I just get to do everything else for her so it make me Public Enemy #1 in her eyes. She was so scared being a the vet that she peed all over the table so the vet grabbed a urine stick and found out about the UTI. Nice timing there Taylor-

Here she is looking a bit under-the-weather with her favorite human


Some of you are asking about how Mike is- I am afraid it is not good news. He has been told by his doctors that now it is not “IF” he loses his other leg- it is “when.” If you would pray for him, I would appreciate it so much. The veinous stastis and neuropathy are wrecking havoc with his good leg. He has developed yet another ulcer on his good leg and the surgeons tell me that fighting this is fighting a losing battle.


1 thought on “The Hanna Scare

  1. I am very sorry to read about Mike’s health; what a terrible direction it is taking. This must be very hard on both of you. My best wishes go to him and you.

    And also to his favourite feline, Taylor. Would she be able to handle surgery at 19? Let’s hope all the medicine you are providing does what it’s supposed to.

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