It seems to be never-ending here. Last night, benson came up to my chair and was meowing. Since he is a Siamese mix meowing is pretty routine, but this meow sounded different. I scooped him up to find him on fire! 104.5!
He has been caged and isolated. Started him on antibiotics and fluids am force feeding him, doing alcohol rubdowns and trying to just get him to take fluids. He is not a happy boy to be confined as he is still skittish and uncertain. He could use any prayers you might have left floating around. I could use a vacation in Hawaii! LOL
1:55 p.m. high temp has dropped now to subnormal 101.2F Extremely dehydrated gave fluids and force fed. he appears to be hungry just not eating onĀ his own.
Sending prayers your way. I hope Benson is feeling better soon.
I sent a bit — not much but it will come every month. Prayers for Bentley also coming!
Having many cats is like a calendar in the Middle Ages: every day is a saint’s day, and one for prayer. The best of luck to Benson, who evidently makes a bad patient.