Yesterday, called a local shelter to see if they might take the nine black kittens. They said they would after a health exam- so off we went. I did tell them on the phone about the remnants of the URI still going around. They said they would work with that. The kittens are now 7 weeks old.
Wouldn’t you know it? Three tested faint positive for ringworm so all were turned down! The shelter said their isolation ward is stuffed full- no cages available for these babies. I stopped at the vets who wants to change the medication since this URI is so persistent. They have to be on it for 14 days. Gee I wonder if it has anything to do with them being stuffed into a chimney damper by a young mom who was so stressed out she wanted nothing to do with them. Anyway, cost of treatment for all for ringworm and URI $300.00. Money available in CATS $32.50. We will do what we can for these babies who are eating like their stomachs are NEVER full! It’s called a growth spurt- but thank God, they made it through one nightmare and will continue to thrive and grow and eat us out of house and home.
Are there other cats the shelter can take off your hands? Any less work and expense would help, I imagine.
Unfortunately when it comes to ringworm because of the spreadability of the fungus, all cats come under scrutiny. They sent a sample out to culture- the results won’t be in for ten days (there are other types of fungus that mimic ringworm) but until that comes back, they won’t touch my cats or kittens which is totally understandable. I also had a call this morning, the woman who adopted Savanna has to give her back. She is allergic to her. I went and got her and will put her back up for adoption this weekend after getting her scanned by a woods lamp.
Are you in need of any cat/kitten food for these ever growing bellies? If you add some to your Amazon wish list, I might be able to get some your way.
I thought I already answered this, but it went away. Yes, it should be on the wish list it is Max Kitten either flavor. It is better on their digestive system then the other canned kitten food out there.
Just sent 4 cases of kitten food. It should arrive on Thursday.