Life went a bit crazy today

The same woman who found Avis on her porch with the babies, called me this morning and told me about this beautiful Siamese kitten (also in the trailer park) who is pregnant. I went over to see and found this little girl heavily pregnant, scared out of her wits and I talked with Athena about how to trap the little one (without using a trap) Instead, I left her a carrier. I told her my procedure on trapping pregnant females and that I don’t like to use the traps because the cat can injure herself trying to get out- they seem to settle down better in a carrier. So I explained my process and told her it takes time- they don’t just run into the carrier as a rule. I left her food and told her to feed multiple times every day because mom is very depleted. Then I went home.

No sooner had I settled down in my chair, the phone rang and it was Athena and she said she not only caught the pregnant one- but another one was in there with her as well!  I was ecstatic because where this little one had decided to have her babies was not safe at all or very warm. But she had been hiding inside this cardboard box all night according to Athena. So I rushed over, ran both the kittens to the vet and Athena (I named the Siamese after the Good Samaritan who alerted me to her) was so close to giving birth- her nipples were waxing over that the vet decided to spay her after hours! She had 8 babies inside of her- they are no more- but she is way to young to have handled that type of delivery without issues, The other cat is also a kitten 5 months old- tuxedo boy and they are keeping him to neuter him tomorrow. They both tested negative for the nasties which I was glad for as Avis has not been tested yet.

There are so many cats in this trailer park- it breaks my heart. As I was driving out, I saw one old tom who had both ear flaps torn off! He was a mess. I stopped the truck and jumped out to see if I could get close- but he took off like a shot. he is my next project, he is a mess.

I also took Trump in today for a scheduled appointment (Not Donald either!) Trump is a 17 year old boy with a mess in his mouth. Stomatitis, inflamed lymph nodes and even though I have him since he was four weeks old- he is so painful that everytime I tried to look in his mouth- he would fight to stop me or lock his jaw down and refuse to open wide. He has stopped grooming himself- eats very little and he drools horribly and has stinky breath. I knew I had to do something. We gave him an antibiotic shot that is good for 2 weeks because pilling him would be painful for both he and I- and he got a steroid shot. If we don’t see an improvement in two weeks, we will give him a hug and send him to the Bridge. We just don’t have the funds to do a full extraction of all his teeth and he is an old kitty. But I am happy to report that when we got home and I fed him something besides baby food- he did eat! So I am hopeful.

If anyone can send anything to us to help cover the costs of today’s and tomorrows procedure, we would sure appreciate it. I will put pictures up when the kittens come home so you can see how beautiful they both are.




1 thought on “Life went a bit crazy today

  1. Going through neighbourhoods with plenty of strays and no one to look after them must be like looking at the ‘lost pet’ ads. What a terrible feeling I get of not being able to do enough when I see them. It’ll only be enough when everyone does something, I’m afraid.

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