He appeared fine this morning, he took some time out of his busy schedule of snoozing in the sun to curl on my lap and get some snuggles. Yet, tonight, when I got home, he was looking pretty subdued and he is now wheezing and submissive.
I have him upstairs, with the vaporizer going. He has a small space heater on low and he has food and water but shows little interest in either. I picked him up to snuggle with him and watched sadly as he tried to breathe. I have put him on Baytril and will watch him carefully. Tomorrow morning, Piper and Shelby go to get spayed. I will talk to the vet when I bring them in about Rocky and if need be, I will bring Rocky in to be seen. I just hope Cheryl the bookkeeper isn’t working, I don’t need any grief about my thousand dollar vet bill right now. I just paid the whole thing off in Feb too! How quickly it grows with so many cats sharing our home.
Rock doesn’t seem to have a typical URI. His eyes are clear, there is no nose discharge, just his trouble breathing and the wheezing. I have noticed some pretty nasty colored hairballs being left the last couple of days. I groom him twice a week, but that isn’t enough for this long haired beauty. I just hope this isn’t anything serious. Rocky deserves to grow old gracefully with us, especially after what he has already lived through- as a kitten, he was offered as pit bull bait and rescued just in the nick of time by a kind hearted stranger-