Yesterday evening on the way to work, I took a detour through a residential area. They were doing work on Main Street, so I knew this way was shorter although the view is a bit dismal as this residential area is known as druggie alley.
As I am driving, I notice ahead of me this chick tossing something high into the air and laughing. As I got nearer, I saw to my horror she was tossing a black kitten! I skid to a stop and run over to ask her what the hell she thinks she is doing? She is higher than a kite, her face showing evidence of a meth head. She has three darling kittens in a box and God knows what she was going to do with them.
I finally get through to her and convince her to let me have the three kittens and load them in the car. I am now late for work, but have no choice but to race home and deposit these three sweeties in a not- to surprised Mike’s lap.
So now, there are eight kittens in the bedroom. The newcomers are around the same age as the others, they are so adorable, and although black, they do have browns and whites intermixed in their coats. There is one orange kitty as well that reminds me of my Bailey kitty.
Mike is asleep right now with kittens piled all over him. I went in a few moments ago to worm and deflea the newcomers and little black and white kitty (the one being tossed about) crawled up in my arms and fell asleep on my hand.
God may color me a sucker, but I guess I wear the color well.