This darn cat magnet!

I “thought” I bought about 20 jars of baby food last night, but this morning, looking everywhere, I couldn’t find them. I am completely out and Aurora’s kittens are on it now for the most part. So off I go to the store. When I get to the door- the store is set up with corner ledges right by the front door, I go to step inside and I hear this loud “MEOW!”

Backtracking a few steps, I see this large box sitting in the corner with tall sides and hear claws scrapping along the sides of the box. I open the flaps and see three kittens inside. Looking around, I see this woman sitting on the sidewalk just watching me. She says “Do you want a kitten?” I looked at these babies, they were full of fleas and needed a bath. I asked her: “Is the mom spayed?” She told me yes and the dad was going to be done on Monday as well. I told her, I would take them all and she about fell over. I handed her my card, suggested she consider a donation (she doesn’t get paid again till next week). I carried the box to my car and  thought to myself: Why doesn’t someone  just shoot me and stop the insanity?”

I get home and give Mike the box and told him to watch them while I prepare a room for them. They are now safe, they had a much needed bath and blow-dry and have been de-wormed and de-flead-

In a town prolific with pit bulls, a box of free kittens in front of the only major grocery store  is NOT a good idea.


Oh, and when I got home, I found the baby food I had bought the night before. They had slid under the back seat of my car.


5 thoughts on “This darn cat magnet!

  1. They are so adorable though! God has His hand on you. I rescue cats and kittens myself. I wish one day to have a small farm that I can just take more in.

  2. Cat magnet is working perfectly. Glad you were there. God sent to get them. The kittens look really young, 5 wks maybe? Too young to be away from momma

  3. Yeah, the woman had the audacity to tell me that they were eating solids! I almost laughed in her face. No way are they are solids. I have them on formula at the moment mixed with baby food. I put them in the outside deck enclosure after I heated it up to a comfortable level. In the house they would have been cramped up in a small cage, at least in the deck enclosure they can romp and play. I’ll have to go outside to feed them several times a day. but overall, this is the best place I have for them at this moment.

    It always puzzles me. The people around here want kittens until they are at the age where they demand more attention-then they have to go and “get rid of them.” They should still be with mom at least 7 more weeks before being placed in homes. no one wants to wait that long so you have kittens who are stressed, confused and wanting mom’s milk bar.

    I didn’t even attempt to put them with Aurora- she already has her kittens in place. The mackerel tabby (Austin) is a boy- the calicos I have named Paris and London. Another trip to the vet coming up on Monday!

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