Fiona’s challenge

My sweet calico girl’s ear cancer is back. It has been three years since they first operated on her and removed the mass. She has been shaking her head like crazy lately, so I finally just took her in. Since the initial surgery, any time I would go to touch her ears or put anything in them, she would go ballistic. So much time had passed, I was just leaving her alone. My mistake.

We have some ointment to put in her ears that contains steriods to take the inflammation down and after that, I don’t know what we are going to do. like my vet said, with this type of cancer, once you p** it off- it can come back and haunt you. I will know in 10 days if the ointment will work and after that make a determination. She has good quality of life right now, she is eating well, playing with the other kitties and except for a bit of a fever the last few days and shaking her head like she has water inside, she is doing good.

Here is her ear:The mass is on the outer ear spreading downward out of her ear-


4 thoughts on “Fiona’s challenge

  1. Cancer again. It seems to be more and more prevalent. It took my friend Bear-Bear, I’m sure. I hope your measures work. If they don’t, you gave her three years of love and enjoyment she never would have had otherwise. I hope there are more years to come.

  2. I do too, and I am sorry about Bear-Bear, cancer is a tough one.

    Fiona was forced to spend the first part of her life crammed into a canary cage at a bird hoarder’s home. She was outside on the patio and the woman would toss her kibble mixed with bird seed! She pooped bird seed when she first arrived here for what seemed like forever. She arrived here when she was three years old after they raided the home.

    She was adopted out to one home but turned out to not like pit bulls and attacked the dog the husband set on her! The dog got the worst of it. She’s one tough calico kitty!

    I rushed over to get her from the home before the husband could follow through with his threats of hurting her. We just want her to grow old gracefully.

    Our other calico is also concerning me. Glory will go to the vet on Weds morning.I am hoping for better news on her-

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