It’s funny, I am used to sitting in waiting rooms waiting for vets- but sitting in the ER with your husband and waiting for over three hours in the wee hours of the morning really gets your attention. That’s where I was last night. We left the house at 10:00 p.m. to drive less then 25 minutes away and didn’t return home until 1:00 a.m.!
Last night Mike went to bed early and as the heat has become so oppressive, he slept on top of the covers instead of underneath. When I went in to get ready for bed, I noticed this black hole on the bottom of his foot! I didn’t think it was dirt (though I was hoping) and because he is diabetic, he can’t feel his feet anymore. So I turned on more lights and my heart sank. I was looking at another diabetic ulcer, this one badly infected.
I woke him up, told him I needed to clean it off. When I put the syringe (no needle folks) of hydrogen peroxide into the hole, half of the syringe vanished from sight…….:( I knew this was out of my league, so off we went to the ER.
Turns out it is indeed an ulcer with a nasty infection. The doc clipped away all the neucrotic skin, cleaned it out and stitched it up. He is supposed to stay off his feet for three days- want to bet he won’t?
I guess time will tell but all the way to the hospital I was in tears. This sucker has been there a long time and he didn’t even know it. I was mad at myself too for not noticing it right away-
If it doesn’t heal in a timely manner, they are going to send him to the wound clinic for follow-up care-