I had to run Indiana to the vet’s today. He has a really swollen leg, paw and lymph nodes. I took his temperature last night when he started acting a bit off- it was 105.4! I took it again with a different digital thermometer thinking that one was way off- it wasn’t……still the same reading-
We stayed up all nights sharing alchohol rubs together and this morning as soon as the vet opened, we were there. His temp was 104 at the visit.
The vet suspects he got bit although there are no open wounds or hot spots- so he is on clinidrops and cage rest. Poor baby he trembled the entire time we were there. I finally wrapped him up in a towel and held him till he calmed down. I am just thankful it wasn’t a fracture. I was afraid he might have been stepped on by the dog and obtained a hairline fracture, but they suspect with the high temperture and swollen glands he is fighting an infection.
Why is this blog entry entitled Gas Pains? $4.09 for regular this morning! Holy smokes! I am wondering if I shouldn’t just start riding my horses again!