Sweet Grace is losing her energy and her fight for life. This morning, she shut down in regards to elimination and now when I feed, the formula just collects at the front of her mouth. I have an appointment in a few hours to go to the vet and do the unthinkable but I think it is best to let her go before she really starts to suffer. I did my best and had an excellent feline specialist nearby pulling hard for her as well but it was not meant to be. Had the litter been brought into the house instead of left outside overnight in the elements, perhaps the outcome would be different. Only God knows why this little one has lived for just a few days- I am praying that my vet will say I am mistaken- that would truly be a miracle-
Sweet Grace
Okay good luck at Vet. Poor Grace. I really cannot understand the ignorance in people sometimes when it comes to our precious purr friends! My prayers are with her and with you. You amaze me with your love and strength!
Fare well, little Grace. Run free at The Bridge. Your brothers and sisters are probably waiting to play with you.
PS: Is Grace even a full term kitten? She looks a lot smaller and less developed that Billy White Shoes, and he was likely only a few days old when he dropped into our lives.