I Think I Might Be Losing It-

Phone call the other morning:

“Is this Cats Inc?
“Yes it is-what can I do for you?”
“I have too many cats!”
“Congratulations! So do I”
(silence then) “Huh?” I have 37 cats and I need to get rid of them. COME AND GET THEM!” The last part was screaming.
(Seriously, who calls someone and asks them to take 37 cats? THAT’S a cat sanctuary all in itself.)

I told her I was sorry, I was full up- even my vet bill was full and I couldn’t take one cat let alone 37. I did give her other resources to try- but doubt that they will help her either. She was so angry when we ended the call and I shouldn’t have been flippant but the phone call followed an incident where someone stole 2 large bags of cat food and a case of canned food out of my car. I was not amused. t also followed the death of Vic and was just a bad set of circumstances.

I am stalling about cleaning out Vic’s room. I don’t think I can go up there right now. I removed the food and scooped the pans but am leaving a full cleaning for a few more days to collect myself.

I do have to laugh though, the bottle babies are in the bedroom with the other older litter and every time I go to feed the young ones, Lacey gets so jealous. She jumps on my lap and tries to get my attention- headbumps the hand that is holding the bottle and tries to get me to pet her. She has done it five times now-so I know she is jealous. She does get her share of attention but i guess she doesn’t want to share me with anyone else.

4 thoughts on “I Think I Might Be Losing It-

  1. Hopefully whoever stole the cat food needs it for their cats as much as you needed it. I can’t see it being one of those items that would pay much being sold to a fence.

  2. Gosh, I shouldn’t be surprised by someone stealing cat food so hopefully they were down on their luck and had no other choice to feed their animals. I hate that it put you in a bad spot, but maybe it kept some tummies full for some needy cats.
    The person who had 37 cats obviously wants someone else to bail them out of the problems that they created. I see that a lot, and I am sure you do too. Hopefully they don’t jump dump the cats out,
    I am so sorry about Vic. You take all the time you need to work through the grief and when you feel up to it, then you can clean his room.

  3. We gotta wonder, just a little, what that woman expected you to do. Even if she could handle all of them kitties, it would take most of a day to round up 37 cats, even if you had carriers and space to haul them off.

    You are probably lucky that she got mad at you.

  4. I don’t think you’re loosing it but have serious doubts about the caller.
    God help those babies!

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