Cotton and Cooper (Ms. Hiss’s only boy) are getting spayed today. This leaves me with five more spays to do- The kittens are getting braver and coming out to see me now when I go upstairs. It is time to take the mom out of the room- the only problem is with this cold, nasty weather- I don’t have a good place to put her. The intro cage even with the heated cat bed gets way to cold at night. So for now, the family is still together.
I have had pet cats for years, but never more than one or two at a time until 5 years ago. I moved to a city that has lots of feral cats and I begin feeding a couple of them. Long story short after finding homes for 18 kittens (3 in my house), I called in professional help and we caught 12 cats in humane cages and took them for neuter, spay, release. I feed them and provide my garage for shelter. Two were kittens and I found good home for them, but one of the female cats had a ruptured eye and had to have surgery to remove it (tuns out she has obviously been injured in her hind quarters and her tail is broken-she cannot lift her tail). I hate to think what (or who) caused these injuries. But naturally, I adopted her. She is about 18 months to 2 years old and has had kittens in past. Named her Natasha II after my very first cat for good luck. She lives under my bed where I feed her breakfast and dinner “in Bed.” She comes out and meanders around the house and is passive with the other 4 cats in the house. She bolts if I get more than 3 feet from her (probably prior bad experience). She also howls for the side door to be opened so she can go onto the screen porch ( I have slept with door open many nights!). Natasha has been with me for about a month. I think she believes she wants to go outside, but I never let my cats outside and she has only one eye now and is a tiny cat. I wonder if you have an opinion on whether she will ever come to accept me. I play with her by putting a toy on the end of a stick and pushing it around while laying on my belly on the floor. Sometimes she howls under the bed and I get down and play with her — seems to be what she wants. And she would not play at first, so I guess this is progress.
Any progress with the cats with such demons is always positive in my book. What I do to gain their trust is I set up a strict schedule for their day- breakfast lunch and dinner delivered always on time every day- litter pan patrol scheduled three times a day, play time the same. I never just pop in to see them unless it is on the schedule. Cats crave routine and once you stop surprising them with unexpected visits or expecting them to behave as you want them too- they relax and accept you easily. I go in and lay on the floor and read out loud to them. I play with them with which is the best cat toy ever invented! And I give them special treats (freeze-dried mice) yes, I said mice from
She will trust you- it will just take time and she is working on her time schedule not yours. What she has endured would probably drive you to tears so just relax set up your schedule and stick to it and it will come.
Thank you for caring-