Now I lay me down to sleep
A pile of kitties at my feet.
Drama settles on my chest,
This being his favorite place to rest.
India snuggles at my side,
Scully dives under the covers to hide.
Dakota snuggles on my pillow,
Pushing off his sister Willow
Jordan pounces on my toes,
Braveheart lays upon the throw.
On my throat Rayne will doze,
Her long cat hair tickling my nose.
I dare not move
the cats hold me tight
And this happens
every night!
-Mary Anne Miller-
CATS Inc.,
hahaha….sounds like things around here. I woke up this morning to Tim on my feet, Tommy by my pillow, Mo sleeping on my hip and Uncle Bill curled up next to me. I am sure others were sleeping on the bed, but I couldn’t move to see them….