Did I say Two? Meet the Third-

There I was minding my own business, running quickly to the store to get more food for Cyclone when outside the store, I see this little boy with a large plastic open container. I knew before I walked up to it that he had kittens- and he did, he had one. This poor baby was shivering in the cold, there was no blanket, towel or anything to keep this baby warm. I picked him up, tucked him into my sweatshirt and told the kid I would take this baby home.

He was so hungry- he almost ate the dish! I have de-flead him and de-wormed him and he is in the living room in a large cage squealing for someone to pick him up and love on him.

So the third one arrives and here he is. I am calling him Tyler and he is a skinny little boy.

On a good note, Cyclone actually passed solid stool today! YAY! I am feeding him a new dry food that has no grains or fillers- it seems to agree with him- whew!

At any rate, please meet hungry Tyler


3 thoughts on “Did I say Two? Meet the Third-

  1. reminds me of baby, I picked him up at the grocery store where he was begging for food. I took him home and told him I will call you baby until I can find you a good home, he passed away a few years ago at 14 with thyroid and heart mermer. still named baby and I never did find him a good home so he was stuck with me.

  2. He looks like he was so tired and hungry, his little belly got full and he fell asleep in his bowl. awww poor baby

  3. You are a cat-magnet!!!! Hooray for saving another little flea-bitten starving kitten! He’ll be soooo pretty when he gets enough nourishment…

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