Have a feeling deep inside that this winter is going to be exceptionally brutal and so we just finished insulating the rest of the patio for the cats. it was slow going as we were using donated funds- thanks to all of you who helped us! And we had to work around the doctor appointment and tests etc… on Mike’s leg. It’s nothing you would contact House Beautiful about- and we couldn’t insulate the ceiling- but it will help to keep the kitties warm this year.
Last night it dipped into the low thirties and when I went out to let B out at 4:00 a.m. I saw most of the enclosure kitties out there asleep- all their ears were so cold, so this morning, I told Mike we needed to finish the insulation and we did.
We ended up using just the insulation boards at Home Depot rather than the type that is spun and shot out of machine. We don’t have the interior walls up yet and I don’t want that fiberglass available for kitties to play with.
Rayne’s fever isn’t breaking. It is staying at 104 even after I am pumping fluids- giving antibiotics and doing all I can for her. She is eating and using the litter pan- her only symptoms now seem to be pain when she is touched on the back, sneezing (rapid bouts) and this dang “fever of unknown origin.” Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers if you would?
We’re thinking of poor Rayne here. Have you found anything on the internet that could give a hint of what she’s suffering? Well, I suppose you’d be less likely to find its cause than something that could help. Perhaps others have related similar problems with their cats.
They are now saying it is likely FIP. Another “cop-out” diagnosis similar to “fever of unknown origin.” She does not appear to be suffering- when she does tell me it is time to go- I will let her depart. They told me long ago that Pippi also had FIP- Pippi was 5 weeks old at the time. She is now a year old and doing fine. IF it is FIP Rayne will go quickly. It is a deadly disease- takes no prisoners and there is no known cure. It is not infectious as originally thought unless another cat is living right on top of her 24/7. I choose to let her tell me what is going on and we will go from there. She is bright and eating and using the litter pan. I don’t know what this is, but it bears no resemblance to the symptoms of FIP except a long-staying fever and URI. All other kittens are fine and showing no signs similar to hers. Because she is so small- she was preemie and the runt- this could be genetic and never be tracked down.