doors to individual cages were torn off, cat carriers were overturned and cat condos were tipped over. A big mess and for what? It’s just senseless. I am so glad that the tunnels attach to the house so the cats got away if the reason was to hurt them. I am still missing two kitties, everyone else is accounted for. Makes he angry because I just changed and scrubbed out the litterpans a few days ago and now all that litter is in the dust pan. It takes 5 bags of Stall Dry to fill the litter pans out in the enclosure and each bag is 40 pounds. I guess my mantra tomorrow will be “heave ho.” as I bring more bags of stall dry home.
But the cats are safe- and it could be so much worse. I just personally think the world is going a bit crazy-
OMG – I was online hit and miss yesterday and had to go back and read. We hope you can catch this *beep* and he goes to jail. It is sad that people feel the need to destroy other people’s things for no good reason and freak out their animals.