The three wee ones did not make it despite all efforts to save them. I spoke with a true cat expert and she said that by what I told her it sounds like the toms blood type was not compatible with McKenna’s. Learn something new every day- I always thought cats had the same blood type.
When I removed her babies and put them in the forest- McKenna didn’t create a fuss. Most queens would be pacing and crying and looking for the babies, but she just laid there grooming herself. There is still not a peep from her- in a way she seems relieved. I think she knew they weren’t right and she has known this for longer than I did. Cats are so much smarter than me.
Sometimes, there’s nothing you can do can help. This was one of those times. The kittehs got cared for best they could, and that was all that anyone could have done.
We never noo about kittehs having blood type problems, either. That might explain Grace O’Malley’s kittehs, too.